migrating from hexo to 11ty

why i moved in the first place

I found that building hexo plugins was taking up a lot of performance on against my previous site. I found the options to provide effective load balancer options internally since I was hosting other services for myself at the time really restrictive.
Thanks to ansuz from cryptography.dog for pointing me in the right area against how to effectively find similar plugins against 11ty from hexo.

From here on in, I can pretty easily run this server against PM2 on daemon or not, and it still respects all of the fun npm scripts i've put on package.json to make this a dynamic... static... site!

next ideas

The issue I've had so far is getting into habit of creating blogs against static site generators. The way I see it so far is that I'm being put back from the ease of working on posts from remote hosts. How I think I could solve this easily without a huge CRM like interface is probably something around using both Obsidian, where I currently story markdown, and some scp trickery to move things over.